This page includes all of our The World's Most Unusual Schools
How many times have we heard about the technology ban in school or even college classrooms? Even in this digital era, students are forced to copy lessons from books, instead of actually applying their education in real life.
To many people, it often seems like the villages of India are holding back. Sitting in their air-conditioned rooms, they look down on the poor and the illiterate masses and shake their heads, half in anger, half in sorrow. If the village is in Bihar, their feelings of despair increase.
A group of young adults have gathered around in a town hall like setting to discuss their school’s curriculum. It looks like a normal meeting of school patrons discussing the school’s functioning with minutes of meeting being jotted down by a secretary.
“If you fail, we take you. If you pass, we may consider you.” Sonam Wangchuk first came into the national spotlight in 2009, when his story inspired the character Phunsukh Wangdu in the film 3 Idiots. Though this was never acknowledged, the similarities are hard to miss. But his real story is far more interesting than any film could be.
Language is a tool that needs to be used very carefully in order to break gender stereotypes. What we express through our writing and through the words we speak in our day-to-day lives can reinforce stereotypes sub-consciously.
“If you fail, we take you. If you pass, we may consider you.” “If the children cannot go to school, the school must go to the children.” She often saw the poor children standing outside the gate of her school, looking in hopefully. She could not take them in because she knew the other parents would never allow it.