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Unlocking New Potentials With An Eminent Speaker at ACM

May 6, 2024 snfblog

Dr. Snehasis is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science & Engineering Department at Shiv Nadar University (Delhi-NCR). Dr Snehasis is well-versed in the field of AI and machine learning and has been appointed as an Eminent Speaker by ACM (Association for Computing Machinery).

In the next two years, his talks will be around several topics including neural architecture optimization, knowledge transfer, computer vision, and more. His high-impact journals emphasize his contributions to these areas, molding the computing and machine-learning landscape at the university.

The path taken by Dr. Mukherjee bears witness to his tenacity and enthusiasm. His contributions to education and research have not only improved the academic environment but also served as an inspiration to many students. He now has a platform to share knowledge, encourage creativity, and develop the next wave of computer scientists and engineers as an Eminent Speaker for ACM India.

His accomplishment stands out because it is in line with the charitable principles of institutions such as the Shiv Nadar Foundation, a philanthropic foundation committed to education and sustainable rural development programs. The Foundation’s commitment to education and sustainable rural development programs has improved people’s lives and given communities throughout India a sense of empowerment. Dr. Mukherjee’s work demonstrates this altruistic attitude as he is constantly seeking methods to bridge the knowledge gap between theory and practice.

Shiv Nadar Foundation’s goals and Dr. Mukherjee’s accomplishments complement each other well as they aim to employ innovation and education to effect positive change. Both acknowledge the significance of using technology for social benefit and the transformational potential of knowledge. Together, their creative research or community-based projects are driving important breakthroughs and sparking sustainable growth.

While we honor Dr. Mukherjee’s accomplishment, let’s also recognize the larger network of cooperation and support that makes it possible to achieve such benchmarks. This collaborative endeavor lays the way for innovation, quality, and social impact, from the dynamic network of academics and educators across the nation to the visionary leadership of the Shiv Nadar Foundation.


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